Deitra Baker
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Deitra Baker, LMFT offers adolescents ages 6-18, who are dependents, access to therapeutic support for a range of challenges like school stress, sleep issues, relationships, anxiety, and depression. Therapy can help you feel better in the moment and set and achieve goals for the future. This is available to children and adolescents who reside in the state of California and Texas.
What is Therapy for Children and Adolescents?
Get started now! Book a consultation as early as possible so you can receive meaningful care from Deitra Baker, LMFT. Therapy sessions include time for relationship building, clinical engagement, treatment planning, and delivery of evidence-based practices.
How can I ensure I have enough time to get the care I need?
Coaching focuses on where you are in the present and your goals for the future. Coaches are trained professionals who can work with you to identify steps you can take to work on a range of challenges, like relationships, time management, anxiety and depression, and making time for self-care.
What are coaching, therapy, and psychiatry? How do they differ?
If you need to speak with your therapist outside of your scheduled session, you can reach out via secure messaging in Simple Practice and/or via non-secure messaging via their office phone. This is for non-urgent messages only. For all emergencies, please call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency room.
How do I communicate with my therapist outside of my scheduled appointments?
You need a parent’s involvement to sign up for therapy, as required by legal and care guidelines. We encourage you to speak with your parent if you are interested in therapy. When possible, your parents are essential to your Care Team and help to provide the most comprehensive care.
Can I sign up for therapy without my parent?
We get it. If you don’t want to speak directly to your parent about signing up for therapy, you can reach out to a therapist to request their support with reaching out to your parent to discuss getting you started with a therapist.
What if I don’t feel comfortable talking to my parent about starting therapy or psychiatry?
We understand how important privacy is when it comes to your mental health. The conversations between you and your therapist will be confidential except for specific issues that we are required by law to share with your parent. Those issues include when your safety, or the safety of someone else, may be at risk.